Pussy riot –

Update: The Pussy Rioters are appealing their sentence. Here is what their lawyer Mark Feigin (or is that Fagin) had to say:

“If they [the church] mean repentance in the sense of a crime … it definitely
won’t happen. Our clients won’t admit guilt. A call for that is pointless,”
lawyer Mark Feigin http://visualrian.ru/en/site/gallery/#1234942/context[feature]=203244  I wonder what the women actually said and as a lawyer what he advised them to do?

Latest news is that one of the rioters has sacked her lawyers including Mark Feigin.

Feigan is in the process of taking custody of their children. Is this the normal practice of lawyers? Couldn’t he find a close relative of the children? What does this man look like who a mother would trust her children to? (Funny, his picture has disappeared from this article and a Google image search reveals that dozens of images of him dressed as a gangster complete with black sunglasses, have also disappeared. Getting sensitive about your appearance Mark? Wondering if people would be worried about the children because of it? http://www.interfax-religion.com/?act=news&div=9894

Feigin doesn’t intend to leave the matter in Russia, he intends to have journalists who recognized the Pussy Riot as the sham it is, listed for visa and banking restrictions. http://www.interfax-religion.com/?act=news&div=9894   He obviously isn’t a free speech advocate but isn’t that what he claims the women are in jail for.

Here’s the original video. It is obvious that the soundtrack was added later in other videos. Pussy Riot gig at Christ the Savior Cathedral (original video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grEBLskpDWQ

Woman or man in Pussy Riot video

Below is the version most will have seen with a translation of the song. Note the heavy editing with the girls and a band playing at another venue (with masses of candles). Note too, the male voice singing the song with girls singing the responses. Is the figure in a white lab coat with a guitar really a woman? The girl in the green mini dress both crosses herself and genuflects as in a mosque. Fitz

The first copy of the official Pussy Riot video has been taken off You Tube so here’s another one.

And for more western media pot calling the kettle black, read Tony Cartalucci on Pussy riot.

The US State Department-backed so-called “punk band” going by the name of “Pussy Riot,” stormed into a Moscow church, defaming the Russian government while mocking the beliefs of churchgoers with vulgarity and disruptive behavior. Marketed as an act of “freedom of expression” by the Western media and the West’s collection of foreign ministries, it was in reality what would be called both a hate-crime and disorderly conduct in the West. Furthermore, in the West, such an act would come with it steep fines and lengthy jail sentences. Continue at http://landdestroyer.blogspot.ca/2012/08/russian-punkers-get-2-years-jail-for-us.html

For a full and thorough analysis and debate of the actual incident and the legal issues. http://mercouris.wordpress.com/2012/08/07/pussy-riot-2/

Well worth reading, including the comments.

Mercouris also critically analysed the court judgement of the Pussy Rioters. In it I notice that only 3 girls were arrested after the event; two others (one I believe to be a man) escaped overseas. PUSSY RIOT – AFTER THE JUDGMENT

And finally, thank you to Steve for bringing my attention to this-

News organizations pussy out of using controversial Russian punk rock band’s name in coverage of their convictions – Media take a prim view of Pussy Riot http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/us-news-blog/2012/aug/17/media-prim-view-pussy-riot

About Fitzhenrymac

A non-violent, ethical, green, socialist citizen of Earth who can't stand the visual and written lies that media use to manipulate people
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  1. Pingback: PUSSY RIOT – AFTER THE JUDGMENT | Mercouris

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